Beyond the Finish Line in 2019
For me, 2018 has, for the most part, been about proving.
Proving facts.
Proving theories.
Proving my worth.
Proving what can be done.
But, proving is not an outcome.
It is a process.
One that can go on, endlessly, if you let it.
The time has come to stop proving and start capitalizing on that which has already been proven.
If this blog has proved anything, it’s that I can reach a finish line.
Now, I need to find what lies beyond it.
It’s funny, when I began this blog on January 1, 2018, I was convinced that merely arriving was all that mattered.
But, as I inch closer to my final post, it is becoming clear that there is more to it than that.
Much more.
I now recognize that destinations aren’t landing-places.
They are a launching pads.
Sure, 2018 will forever be remembered as the year I found the finish line.
But, 2019 will become the year I surpass it.
364 blog posts down – just one more to go…