Believing in Miracles – That’s How I Roll
Once day, a long time ago, in a land far far away, known as college, I witnessed a miracle unfold. At the time, I was engrossed in a very suspenseful dice game. Let’s just call it “Yahtzee”.
Ordinarily, I would only play to win. I mean, if you’re not in a game to win it, then you might as well just be a spectator. AMIRITE?
However, on this particular day, I didn’t really care about winning or losing. I was too distracted trying to comprehend the incomprehensible.
For what could only be described as a supernatural phenomenon, during a quick roll of the dice, one die landed on its corner – defying all laws of nature and physics.
This exceptional die then remained on its corner for what could’ve been anywhere between a minute to eternity – but long enough to capture its incredible landing on film.
I kid you not.
Although this was just a freak occurrence in some meaningless game, it proved to me that miracles do exist. They appear out of nowhere and when least expected. Hell, they can even be memorialized in a photograph.
And, if a die can defy every natural law and land on its corner, isn’t anything in life possible?
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